Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Vince Lombardi's Nine Principles of Success

Vince Lombardi's Nine Principles of Success:

"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have." Vince Lombardi

1. Commitment- "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." Vince Lombardi. Lombardi goes on to state, "A winner must be committed to discipline, committed to sacrifice and self-denial, and committed to hard work."

Vince Lombardi's Nine Principles of Success

How committed are you? If you are an athlete, are you the first one at practice, and the last one to leave? If you are part of an organization - are you making sure that you efforts are helping the entire organization? Are you willing to jump in and help others even when "it is not my job." As an educator, do you take the time to visit with other teachers in your field - learning ways to make yourself more valuable in the classroom? Are you willing to WIT? Whatever it Takes to be successful?

2. Truth- "In football and business, a leader must be honest with himself and the people he is working with. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind." Vince Lombardi

Are you being honest with your greatest fan and your strongest critic - yourself? Are you doing the things on a daily basis that will allow you to do more, be more, have more? Or, are you being dishonest to yourself and those who count on you on a daily basis? With today business ethics or lack of ethics, people are looking to be able to deal with reliable, trustworthy individuals and organizations.

3. Excellence- "If you demand perfection of yourself, you'll seldom achieve it. Fear of making a mistake is the biggest cause of making one. Instead of pushing for perfection, relax and pursue excellence." Bud Winter

Lombardi stated, "No one is perfect. But boys, if you'll not settle for anything less than the best, you'll be amazed at what you can do with your lives. You'll be amazed at how much you can rise in this world."

Perfection rarely happens...it is the perfect game thrown by a baseball pitcher, but requires the help and support of his teammates. It is a 300 game in bowling, rarely reached by anyone but the best bowlers. It is the hole in one in golf...a feat rarely accomplished. However the pursuit of excellence should be a goal we all seek.

4. Results- "Winning is not everything, but making the effort to win is." Vince Lombardi

Hall of Fame basketball player, Bill Walton, stated this about winning- "Winning is about having the whole team on the same page."

In team sports, there is usually one team that wins, and one team that loses. The team that plays together can often overcome a lack of talent to be successful. A team with lack of character may win games, but will not be successful in the long run, and success will be short lived.

We always set goals for our teams, and winning were not a major goal. We felt if we could reach the majority of the goals set for every opponent, the winning would take care of itself. We wanted results. We wanted improvement each and every time out. What is it that you expect for yourself and your organization?

"There is no limit when no one cares who gets the credit." John Wooden

5. Passion- "I learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it is, you can make it." Gayle Sayers

Are you passionate about what you do? Do you have the first one to the office, practice field, classroom mentality, or are you dragging in as things are starting? Do you believe in what you are doing, in your teammates and/or co-workers, do you have it in your heart, your mind, and in your soul - and are willing to take no excuses from yourself and your teammates? Does that fire burn deep within you?

"There is only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything. I do, and I demand that my players do." Vince Lombardi

6. Habit- "The difference between a successful person and others in not a lack of strength, nor a lack of knowledge, but rather the lack of will." Vince Lombardi

It has been said that doing the same thing today as you did yesterday and expect different results is a definition of insanity. Habit is an act that we repeatedly do. It can be good or it can be bad. Psychologists estimate that 90% of the things we do is habitual. Think about it, starting with your morning routine, and ending to when you retire at night. There are hundreds of things you do the same way every day, often without thinking about them.

Robert Ringer, author of Million Dollar Habits states-"Success is am matter of understanding and religiously practicing specific simple habits that always lead to success.

7. Mental Toughness- "If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head, and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second." Vince Lombardi

You often hear coaches tell their players, "We have to be mentally tough." Just what is mental toughness? It is one of those words that are difficult to explain. I think my definition of mental toughness is- proper mental and physical preparation that enables you to forget the price- the sacrifices that you must pay for success. It is the thing that allows us to climb off the mat one more time after we have been knocked down. It gives us the ability to strive on inspire of the hurt and the pain that we may be experiencing. It is what allows us to rebound from temporary failures that life sends our way.

When I was coaching, we were down 92-75 with five minutes left in the game. I called a timeout and asked my players how much gas they had left in the tank. I knew the other team was tired. I needed them to tell me that they could reach down inside - give it their all for the remainder of the game. We began to press. Our frame of mind is we were not going to lose. The gap closed, slowly at first, and then like someone had opened the flood gates, we were magically back in the game. With :08 seconds left in the game we hit a three to send it to overtime. Our opponent was spent......but mentally we were ready for the challenge. We wound up winning the game 119-111 in overtime.

8. Discipline- "Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly." Julie Andrews

Normally when we hear the word discipline we associate it with punishment. According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, discipline can be defined as: to train or develop by instruction or exercise- especially in self-control; to bring a group under control. George Washington stated, "Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable, procures success to the weak, and esteem to all."

For most of my coaching career, I did not saddle my team with rules. Our basic rule was to be where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing, when you are supposed to be doing it - and doing it to the best of your ability. By following that simple set of rules, my players graduated, for the most part grew into the individuals I can be very proud of today.

9. Perseverance- "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." Calvin Coolidge

Persistence and perseverance may be the single most common quality of successful people. They refuse to lose, to give up. They know the longer they hang in there, the greater the chance for success. Thomas Edison failed to invent the light bulb over 1000 times. When asked by a reported how it felt to fail so many times, Edison responded he didn't fail, he discovered ways not to invent the light bulb.

H. Ross Perot, Texas billionaire and former presidential candidate says this about perseverance- "Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown."

There are going to be times when it isn't easy. People will doubt your ability, your effort, or your value to the organization. They may not believe in your dream, or have the same passion you do. They may think you are over your head or over the hill. What if Kurt Warner had believed all of the things people were saying about him before the Arizona Cardinals run toward the Super Bowl?

I have been fortunate to know some people who have overcome tremendous odds to reach their goals. Kevin Saunders, bronze medal winner in the Para-Olympics (Barcelona, Spain) wrote a book about his journey title appropriately enough, "There's Always a Way...Never Give Up!

I leave you with this thought- "The power to hold on in spite of everything, the power to endure-this is the winners quality. Persistence is the ability to face defeat again and again without giving up-to push on in the face of great difficulty, knowing that victory will be yours. Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, and to do what's necessary to reach your goal." Anon.

Vince Lombardi's Nine Principles of Success
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Tom Hughes is a coach, educator, author, and motivational speaker. He has an MEd from Pittsburg State University. He has taught and coached on the high school, college, and professional levels. Since 2001 Tom has written Motivational Moments, a free motivational newsletter. He authored "Power Thoughts for Coaching Basketball, a multi-purpose source book for basketball coaches.

Tom has spoken to business and civic groups, college and high school students, faculty and staff workshops, and athletic teams. The most popular program topics are - Goal Setting for Success; Team Building - On the Court or in the Office; Developing and Maintaining a Positive Attitude; Leadership Training; Improving Performance Through Achievement Motivation.

His website is: http://www.motivationnmore.com

Tom has posted a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlvLPLLm3Rc A short segment of the speaking engagement with Coldwell Banker Real Estate.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Rip Van Winkle

I believe Washington Irving's purpose in writing Rip Van Winkle was to teach his readers a lesson as well as entertain. Irving is telling his readers through this story that if you live an idle life, never accomplishing anything, and are always satisfied with the bare minimum life will pass you by.

Rip Van Winkle is a character who always has been, is, and always will be. There are millions of people around the world who take his nonchalant view of life, his uncaring, unmotivated attitude and accomplish absolutely nothing. Rip is an icon to the stagnant, the lazy, and the useless. He is the person who goes through life never fully living it and before he knows it, is old and dying wondering where has the time gone.

Rip was not a bad man as clearly illustrated in the text; he lived his life somewhat contently and simply. People liked him and he did not shy away from helping others. His only problem was his aversion to working for a living, and the problems this caused for him at home. The main character of the story is constantly getting yelled at by his wife and takes all the time he can to get away from her to enjoy himself. One day Rip walks off into the mountains to go hunting where he runs into a man hauling up a keg of beer. He encounters this man and being the good-natured guy that he is, helps him carry his drink to his friends. Eventually he starts to drink with them and before he knows it, he is out cold. He wakes up not yet aware that twenty years have passed and originally thinks he has been robbed of his dog and gun. This part is significant because it tells how he believes he has been robbed, looking at it symbolically in context with the rest of the story he has been robbed of more than just his gun and dog but of his time and life. He than walks down the mountain and everything has changed. He does not recognize the people, all of his old hang outs don't look like they've been inhabited in years and his house is deserted. After talking with a few people he finally figures out that twenty years have passed him by. Rip's daughter takes him in, and he is able to live out the rest of his life idly in old age.

Rip Van Winkle

Using the time period of the revolutionary war was symbolic in this story. For starters in symbolized change, change in the whole makeup of American as well as a revolutionary change in Rip Van Winkles life (he is now an old man). It also could have symbolized a new beginning for Rip in that he no longer had to deal with his nagging wife and could live the life he wanted for himself similar to the new beginning of The United States of America.

I was best able to contrast Rip Van Winkle with Charlie from Babylon Revisited. Although both characters started out in the beginning as being very similar, Charlie changed his life for the better, he made something of himself and gave up his foolish ways. Rip on the other hand just went back to being his same old self. Charlie learned from his mistakes Rip Van Winkle did not.

I agree with the author's message that if you are always idle life will pass you by and you will be old and virtually by yourself before you know it. The most important things in Rip's life should have been his family and providing for them. Instead, he thought of only himself and what made him happy. His wife's incessant nagging was his own fault for falling short as husband and father. Rip Van winkle was selfish in that regard, he cared nothing for his family and only in satisfying himself. I found it to be a great act of charity that his daughter took him in after twenty years; most children would probably be bitter after their father left for so long. Rip is an eternal character. As long as there are people, there will be those who are content doing nothing. Life will pass them by, they will oblivious to what's going on around them and will rely on others to take care of them.

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John Schlismann has an interest in American Literature.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Teen Birthday Cake Ideas - A Perfect Package For Your Sweet Sixteener

For a teenage girl, it is only a delightful experience to be given a sweet sixteen birthday party! This is the time which marks the start of the development of her sense of independence as she begins her journey of getting absorbed into the adult world.

For today, the sweet sixteen birthday party is kind of extravagant and elaborate. Due to the term "sweet sixteen", most teens today think of none other than but a candy themed birthday celebration.

With this, the color schemes to be adopted could be the pastel ones such as the light pink or blue. Apart from all these, the teen birthday cake idea that has to be adopted should be something that could create a statement.

Teen Birthday Cake Ideas - A Perfect Package For Your Sweet Sixteener

As your daughter would prefer a candy themed party, candy canes may be used to highlight the design of the birthday celebration. They may be glued together so that a heart shape is formed. The personalized candies and chocolate bars mark a wonderful decoration.

Another teen birthday cake idea that maybe considered is the tropical design. Of course the theme of the event should also bear the connection of the tropical design. If you'd rather adopt this, the venue may be decorated with palm trees, some bright colors, and the tiki lamps too. You may serve the guests with daiquiris and non-alcoholic pina coladas. The party would be best if it is held in a backyard, beach, or park.

If your sweet sixteener would rather have a casual celebration, a bowling alley or skating rink may be rented where snack bars and other arcades may be available for easy access. The traditional blowing of the teen birthday cake and the singing of the happy birthday song may be devoted with a little time whereas majority of the time in the event is dedicated to enjoying the available amenities and activities.

Theme parks are also fun especially when her birthday falls on a summer month. Usually, the theme parks pose discounts in the afternoon.

Moreover, whatever kind of party your child wants to push through, it is the role of the teen birthday cake idea to adjust to the party theme. It needs to get coordinated with the actual theme because it would serve as a miniature of the event.

There are shops that specialize in these teen birthday cake ideas and you could let them take care of the best cake you want your daughter to enjoy.

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To learn more birthday cake ideas, visit http://www.birthdaycakeideas101.com

Monday, January 14, 2013

What Does a Great Female Orgasm Look Like? What Are the Signs and How Do You Do It?

Most of the time a female orgasm, especially a great female orgasmic encounter, will have signs that occur before, during and after. The important part to remember is always to pay attention to your partner as she will be the final determining factor whether or not she is even experiencing an orgasm. When the lucky-lady becomes excited her heart beat starts to rise exponentially just as a man's heart beat does.

A rapid heart and panting breath are two of the most easily-seen, proven signs that an orgasm is either commencing or is in the process of being commenced. A woman who is having an orgasm will show signs that will tell a man he is doing a great job. Below is a simple explanation in the steps of a woman's orgasmic encounter seconds before and seconds after the climactic event erupts.

• Woman's Body Signs Start to Emerge - Darting Eyes, Panting Breath, A Faster Rate of Heart Beat
• Muscles Tense up - Pelvic Area Muscles Clench, Brief shaking Occurs
• Orgasm Occurs - Unmistakable Orgasmic Event with Moans, Tight Grip
• Post Orgasm - Tears May Appear, Close Contact, Passion

What Does a Great Female Orgasm Look Like? What Are the Signs and How Do You Do It?

During the moments directly leading up to the orgasm your partner will let you know if you need to increase or decrease whatever it is that you are currently doing. While it is important to understand that this is a very fine line and attention must be paid directly towards the woman's face as she elicits this gentle but firm command. Any wise man will take this as a command and not a threat or a direct order since an orgasm is not something that can occur just by wishing it to be.

Sensuous Labor

An orgasm has been called the 'sensuous labor' since it requires work yet is some of the best work known to mankind. What else is more beautiful than making a woman have an orgasm? Everything pales to this part of the sexual episode.

Men and Women are Customary Couples

Sex is a demonstration of affection and belonging between one man and one woman. Although there are many variations to this couple-concept and that is fine, the usual and customary couples are man and woman. After your woman has experienced an orgasm she will need to be held and spoken to softly with words of love and appreciation for what she has given you.

Focus is of Utmost Importance

Men should thoroughly understand that they need to focus intently on offering an orgasmic event during sex to the woman and that orgasm needs to be very intense. Satisfactory will do but is that what you really want to be known as even by only the object of the desire? Certainly not as satisfactory is great for bowling and horseshoes, not orgasms. It is only deemed climatic when the woman has an orgasm and any man that thinks otherwise may just need to keep on reading. There are times when a woman will not be able to have an orgasm. The reasons can be a simple as a headache or as complex as abandonment issues.

Many Situations can Alter Plan of Giving Heavenly Orgasm to Partner

There are varied situations that block the ability to climax and this is okay in the natural order of sexual experiences. What is not okay is that if it continues to go on and on or that the woman does not have any orgasms as you are making love to her, then there is a huge issue her with the quality of sex. Fix it or it will fix you, most certainly my friend! Most men do a fine job in the field of soliciting an orgasm out of their partner. A great orgasm will not hide itself and will be readily apparent when it happens and it is a sweet sacrifice indeed for both parties concerned.

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Bonus Tip: If you really want to satisfy your girl all night long, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can cause 2-4 explosive orgasms EVERY NIGHT!

=> [http://www.OrgasmHelpExpert.com]

You WILL give your girl MIND BLOWING orgasms with this technique [http://www.OrgasmHelpExpert.com] so she won't be letting you get out of bed. Don't schedule any other activities for the day after.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Marriage Counseling - What Do Husbands Really Want in a Wife?

Because many men do not discuss feelings as easily as most women do, wives are often shocked when their husband actually voices his desire to separate or divorce. They might have suspected that their spouse wasn't entirely happy, but they didn't think he'd ever be the one to end the marriage.

Sometimes the husband can't give a specific answer as to why he feels the way he does. He just finally gets to the point where he can't continue living the way he is. Sometimes, these feelings are brought to a head by the awareness that he's getting older and life is passing him by. Or the feelings of
discontent can be activated when another female finds him attractive and makes a play for him.

In couples marriage counseling sessions, typical questions asked are "What does he want from me that I'm not giving him?" "How can I be interested in sex when I'm exhausted from everything I do for our three kids every day?" "We've made it through some really tough times and I thought things were getting better, so why would he leave now?" All of these questions and many others haunt the surprised wives.

Marriage Counseling - What Do Husbands Really Want in a Wife?

To better understand what husbands want, let's look at some of the priorities men have shared with me in marriage counseling sessions:

1. Men want to be appreciated for what they contribute to the marriage and family. They don't want to be taken for granted. Some men have said, "I feel like she only values my paycheck and if I weren't here anymore, she'd be fine with that." Everyone likes to feel appreciated, and husbands are no exception.

It's easy to focus on what a spouse isn't doing, especially if a husband and wife are disagreeing about how much each should help with the kids or around the house. The wise wife will express appreciation for what her husband is currently doing and for the positive qualities he brings to the marriage, even while discussions continue about things she'd like to see done differently in the future.

2. Husbands enjoy seeing their wives smile and laugh, and they find smiles and laughter appealing. They do enjoy having their wives appreciate their jokes or stories, but they also like to see their wives just looking happy in general. This doesn't mean going around with a fake grin and pretending everything is fine when it isn't. But it does mean keeping a sense of humor in spite of problems and being able to shut the door on worries temporarily when you have some "down time" with your spouse.

3. Husbands want to feel that their wives really care about their welfare and about them on a deep level. They want their wife to spend time with them, to be concerned about their health, happiness, and well-being.

Especially as men age, the feeling that a spouse doesn't really care about them cuts deeply, even if the husband never shows that he's hurt by the lack of affection and caring. They don't want to feel that the kids always come first and that their preferences and needs are overlooked.

In numerous homes, this dynamic is what gets off balance and leads to serious relationship problems. The wife thinks she's doing what's best by putting the kids' needs first, not realizing that the husband is as hurt as he is by this.

4. Husbands want private time with their wives--not just for sex, although that's important--but also to do activities together on their own. This is where making time for a "date night out" every week or so is important. Then the husband and wife can see a movie they want to see, uninterrupted by the kids, or have a peaceful meal at a restaurant. They can go bowling or dancing or get together with friends and keep their identity as an adult couple, not just as parents.

I have seen couples in counseling through the years who have decided not to ever leave their kids with a babysitter or go out on their own. This is always a red flag to me of an unwise course of action in the marriage. A heightened sense of passion between spouses is helped by time alone, "date time," private time, time for the important part of the relationship that exists beyond the kids to be strengthened and nurtured.

5. Husbands want a satisfying sex life. You knew we'd eventually get to sex, didn't you? So here it is. A marriage without a passionate sex life is lacking a key ingredient that wives all too often underestimate. And the reality is that a husband who does not have a satisfying sexual relationship with his wife is much more vulnerable to becoming involved with someone else.

Yes, I know there are couples who over time stop having sex and yet both partners choose to stay in the marriage, but in many cases, there's a resulting sense of resignation and dullness in the marriage. The fire or passionate spark that helps a couple to stay together is missing, so there's often a lack of "life" or energy in the relationship.

Wives can argue until they're blue in the face that sex shouldn't mean so much to husbands, but the reality is that it usually does have a high priority on the husband's list. Why? Because it feels good, because it makes him feel attractive and desired, because it enhances satisfaction with the marriage, because it can help the husband to feel closer and more connected to his wife, and because it relieves stress.

Use these five areas above to open discussion with your husband about how he feels in the marriage and whether his needs are being met. After all, that's one of the keys to marriage success--opening the communication door so that each spouse can share from his or her viewpoint and feel heard by the partner.

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Nancy J. Wasson, Ph.D., is co-author of the book Keep Your Marriage: What to Do When Your Spouse Says "I don't love you anymore!" This is available at http://www.KeepYourMarriage.com, where you can also sign up for the free weekly Keep Your Marriage Internet Magazine to get couples marriage counseling tips and expert advice.