Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How To Meet Guys When You're Over Forty

Are you over 40? Would you like to meet guys to date? Single women everywhere say they would like to find someone and fall in love, but all the good ones are gone. When five or more single women get together and repeat this phrase a few times, it becomes a LAW, etched in stone.

It's time to bust the myth that there is no one out there for you. We have more single people over the age of 40 than ever before in history. Where do you meet guys when you're over 40?

1. Your Job

How To Meet Guys When You're Over Forty

You can meet guys in the workplace. You are likely to know someone you work with better than anyone else you would meet randomly. Hopefully, you will keep your life less complicated by not dating someone in your same office. This could be uncomfortable later on if you have a fight or you break up. But if you work for a company with more than fifty employees, chances are you could find someone who works for your company but is in a different department.

2. Your Religious Affiliation

You can meet guys at your place of worship. Your spiritual beliefs may lead you to opportunities to meet men who share your values. I know someone who met her husband in the parking lot of their church. She was standing outside waiting for services to begin. She saw him drive up alone and walked over and introduced herself (before anyone else could,) and they've been together ever since. This woman became clear about what she wanted and then pushed herself out of her comfort zone of shyness and went for it!

3. Ask People You Know To Fix You Up

You can meet guys through people you know. Become a lovable but determined pest. Don't be easily put off. Tell everyone you know you'd like to meet someone. One of my friends moved to a new state. She told the owner of the cleaners that she was single and would like to meet someone. Not only did she make new friends when she introduced herself, she also met a nice man at a party at their house. This is what I mean when I say, "Tell everyone." Sooner or later, someone will fix you up. This is the way to build the volume of your choices.

4. Classes

You can meet guys by taking classes. If you love France, take a French class to learn the language so you can travel there some day. Getting involved in an exciting goal makes you more attractive. Also think about classes in mechanics, chess, accounting, plumbing, or computers. Classes of any kind lead to more friends and more date possibilities.

5. Playing

You can meet guys when you go out to play. Join a bowling league, ice-skating class or a team that plays tennis, golf, horse shoes, volleyball or basketball. If you don't know how to play some of these games, don't you think it's time to give it a try? So what if you go bowling and the ball lands in the gutter - in someone else's lane? Who cares if you sing karaoke like Daffy Duck? It's not your American Idol talent people care about as much as your willingness to TRY.

6. The Internet

You can meet guys on the internet. Since there is a higher ratio of guys on line looking to meet women, this is a good resource as long as you use dating precautions. There are rules to live by when meeting any stranger anywhere. Before you get too serious, too soon, do the following: run a background check, meet his friends and or family members, and be very discerning, listening carefully to what he says.

Are you over 40 and wanting to date? Absolutely nothing can hold you back except you. Be brave, be wise and be ready to meet lots of nice guys.

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Visit http://www.tonjaweimer.com Or http://www.singlesdatingtips.com for more tips, skills, and insight on dating, relationships, singles, and love. Subscribe to our Free Savvy Dating Newsletter from master single's coach, life coach, and syndicated columnist, Tonja Weimer.

Copyright 2006, Tonja Weimer.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Improve Your Bowling Game With These Great Bowling Tips!

You will find that even the most simplistic adjustments can improve your game. It does not have to be complicated, sometimes it simply a matter of your bowling supplies and how you use them, or even a matter of just slightly shifting weight. From the essentials, like using the right equipment - to certain specific ways to think of using your body and motion, the following are some great bowling tips to follow:

1) Concentrate on your arm swing:

o Keep a relaxed hold of the ball. Loosen your grip - but be sure you can achieve a tight enough grip without stiffening your muscles too much and being destructive to your own game.

Improve Your Bowling Game With These Great Bowling Tips!

o Do not squeeze too tightly. Keep your grip on the ball loose enough. Of course, this is not possible without using the right size of a ball - the right weight and especially the size of the finger holes.

o The thumb hole of your bowling ball should be a perfect fit for you. If you have to grasp the thumb too hard, your arm will tense up beyond your control.

o A larger webbing around the top of your thumbhole is there to provide a better fit, your game will automatically become easier. You will watch your scores improve almost effortlessly when your equipment is exactly right.

2) Lower body leverage:

o When you focus on using your lower body leverage in your game, you can wonderful improvements in your game.

o As you take your last step before taking your swing, bend your knee. Visualize yourself sliding into a deep knee bend.

o The counter balance of your body can be achieved by moving your non-sliding foot sideways. If you have a right arm swing, you should step into your left.

3) End your preparation swing close to the foul line:

o If you can master this technique there will be great results. The release you are going for is that optimal release, in such a release the ball should be released a small distance above the foul line before making contact with the lane.

o If you are prepared to throw your ball but are too far from the foul line, you should concentrate on finding a perfect beginning stance that is close enough to the foul line.

4) The Drop Away Method:

o The drop away method is a great replacement for the push away method of bowling - if it works better for you.

o It may take some time to get used to this method. Instead of the push away method, hold the ball at shoulder height. Just let the ball drop down into the swing of your second step. If it feels awkward, try practicing and see which method works the very best for you.

5) Feet forward:

o A key tip is to always keep your leading toe pointed straight forward as you release the bowling ball.

o Among other things, this will help your ball remain centered as it rolls perfectly all the way down the lane.

o Another great way to learn bowling is to watch professional bowlers on TV, understand and imitate their moves until you have found your perfect playing method.

When you are an avid bowler, even the simplest tips can be useful. Often, very best tips for you will be great to try. Find the best techniques for yourself as a bowler. It all depends on what works best for your game. There are several kinds of things you can do to improve your bowling game. There really are all kinds of things for you to work on that will really make a difference.

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Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and sports. Her background includes home decor and gardening. For more of her articles on bowling, please visit bestbowling.com, supplier of high quality Bowling Balls and Bowling Shoes.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sample Activity Progress Notes

Writing activity progress notes can be time consuming but it is an important aspect of documentation. F-tag 248 clearly states that there must be a method in which each resident's program of activities is monitored. There are many ways to complete progress notes. Below are two examples of a quarterly progress note.

Mrs. X
Quarterly Review:


Sample Activity Progress Notes

Since her admission on 10/9/01, Mrs. X has pursued an active leisure lifestyle. She is alert and oriented to all realms and makes her needs known. She is sociable with both staff and peers and initiates conversations. Her family members are very supportive and visit weekly, providing additional reading materials and Mrs. X's favorite foods. Mrs. X is an active participant in daily recreational activities both on and off the unit including exercise programs, adapted physical games (bowling, basketball, ball games), word games, bingo, trivia, discussion, Beauty groups, music programs, cooking and crafts. Mrs. X also joined the Resident Council and has attended 1x this quarter. She has been invited to attend the Young Adult Group, however has declined. She enjoys going to the greenhouse for horticultural therapy sessions and the off unit special events. Although a practicing Roman Catholic, Mrs. X states she finds much strength in attending chapel services of all faiths. Mrs. X enjoys a variety of independent activities including: talking on the phone in her room, listening to music on her Walkman (country and 50-80's music), reading large print books, crossword puzzles and watching movies in her room. Recreation Staff provides movies, crossword puzzles and large print reading materials. Mrs. X has episodes of tearfulness and often dwells on her illness. Recreation staff encourages her to pray, listen to favorite music, or find solace in the greenhouse if Mrs. X does not express interest in joining the group activity. Recreation staff will continue to invite Mrs. X to daily recreational activities and provide supplies for independent pursuits. In addition, Mrs. X will be encouraged to attend the Young Adult Group to spend time with residents of her age group for additional support and companionship. See care plan number 3 addressing mood and behavior, for specific interventions. Mary Sunshine, ADC Activity Director

Mrs. P
Quarterly Review:


Mrs. P remains alert with confusion and forgetfulness. She is oriented to self and her speech is limited. She responds to simple direct questions by nodding her head or mumbling. Mrs. P is OOB daily in a recliner chair and spends much of the day in the dayroom where she is engaged in recreational activities including Snoezelen, Five Alive, Sensory and Movement, Music Therapy and adapted reminiscing groups. R/t to poor cognitive status, Mrs. P requires extensive assistance (i.e. hand over hand, physical/verbal cueing) to participate in leisure programs. R/t contractures of both arms she is provided with U/E and L/E PROM during adapted physical games and exercise programs to maintain physical functioning. During sensory programs, a variety of Recreational techniques are utilized to elicit responses to stimuli including: Aromatherapy for olfactory stimulation; hand massages, textured objects and props (yarn) for tactile stimulation; pictures of interest (cats) fiber optic lights and bubble towers for visual stimulation; ice cream, pudding, flavored lip balms etc. for gustatory stimulation; and music (Italian and singalong) as well as nature sounds, for auditory stimulation. Mrs. P responds to sensory stimulation by tracking objects, vocalizing, smiling, laughing, humming, and tapping feet and hands. She especially enjoys Italian music and the song "O Solo Mio". She also participates in discussion and reminiscence groups when asked closed-ended questions. Recreation staff provides one to one sensory programs PRN. Family visits are irregular. Recreation staff will continue to provide sensory stimulation to enhance responses to external stimuli and maintain quality of life. See care plan number 2 addressing contractures, for specific interventions. Mary Sunshine, AAC Activity Assistant

If you're interested in an easier way of completing progress notes you may want to consider the following product from Re-Creative Resources Inc. Recreation Progress Note: This one-page form helps you write Progress Notes, easily and thoroughly. Simply write phrases or short sentences in the spaces provided. It includes areas such as: One to One Interventions, Group Activities, Responses to Activities, Level of Participation, etc. You also receive the "Components of a Progress Note" tool that designates various examples in conjunction with the Progress Note Form for each category listed. To order this product visit the re-Creative Resources Inc. website.

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Kimberly Grandal, Founder and Executive Director of Re-Creative Resources, Inc., is a strong advocate for the field of Therapeutic Recreation and Activities, with over eighteen years of experience working with the elderly in numerous management and consultant positions. She is an Activity Consultant Certified and a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. She is a recipient of the Kessler Institute of Rehabilitation 1997 Triumph of the Human Spirit Award.

Kim is a member of NJAPA, NJ/EPA-TRA and COAP and serves on the NJAPA board as the Chairperson for the Legislation Committee. She is the Government Relations liasion for NCCAP and the President Elect for NJ/EPA TR Association. Kim is a speaker for various national, state and local activity associations and other health care groups. She also provides consultation and support to numerous facilities in the state.

Kim is the editor and writer for the "The Rec-Room", a monthly newsletter published by her company. In addition, she writes monthly articles for Activity Directors Today newsletter, and has contributed articles to Creative Forecasting Magazine, Current Activities in Long Term Care Magazine and The Continuing Care Insite newsletter and many other online sources. For more information visit http://recreativeresources.com

Thursday, December 6, 2012

How to Find Free Printable Birthday Party Invitations

Are you wondering how you can find free printable birthday party invitation templates? When it comes to planning a fun birthday, you know the card you send to invite people is the first step.

The fact is, you can't simply plan a "cool" party with a "lame" invitation. But as you already know, designing a professional quality card from scratch yourself takes a lot of time and designing skills.

So what if you could simply skip all that, and find your unique ready-made, fill-in-the-blanks template? What if all you needed to do was choosing your favorite design and then simply fill in your guest's name? Imagine how much time and money you could save when using a do-it-yourself idea.

How to Find Free Printable Birthday Party Invitations

You can simply search online to find dozens of these read-made invitation templates for birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, or even a bowling or tea party. The list of occasions is endless.

Printable Party Game Ideas and Decorations

It is not only about invitation cards, when it comes to finding do-it-yourself cheap party supplies online. You can also find all kinds of creative fun decorations, flyers and even homemade party favors online.

Imagine how much money you can save when planning your birthday party using these easy-to-use templates, instead of buying them in stores or asking a professional party planning company to help you.

Although birthday parties are more informal and casual, more and more people are actually starting to use homemade printable designs for wedding and bridal shower parties as well.

Although sometimes a professional designer may create more flawless designs, but you will be surprised how your guests will love the cozy friendly feeling your printed homemade party decorations has brought in the picture.

More Easy Discount Party Supplies for You

As for other party supplies that can not be printed, like chairs, tables, glasses, and costumes, you can easily find plenty options and ideas online - on websites like eBay.

When your budget is limited, why plan a smaller party when you can manage to get all the supplies you need for a bigger and more fabulous celebration smartly and easily?

Another helpful smart solution idea is to borrow the supplies that you need temporarily from your friends or neighbors. This is a very helpful money-saving idea as an affordable method of planning a birthday party on a minimum budget.

As you discovered in this article, there are plenty of ways to easy find printable party supplies. All you need to do is simply thinking outside the box and using the power of Internet to help you find all the tools you need, at a click of a button.

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Are you looking for Free Printable Party Invitations? You can find tens of fun easy-to-use card design ideas for birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, and more.

Simply check out these Printable Birthday Invitation cards and game ideas to plan your dream birthday party easily today.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Helpful Tips to Raise Your Bowling Average

Bowling is a fun and popular game and, for the casual observer, it looks like a simple game that does not require a lot of skill or technique. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Obtaining the necessary skills to become an accomplished bowler usually will not be acquired through games and games of practice. Proper technique is a mandatory prerequisite.

In order to improve your score, studying tenpin bowling tips are a required element. Developing skills to perform difficult bowling techniques is a subset of this. Unfortunately, these skills can't easily be picked up. Where can good, useful bowling tips be found? Some bowlers may enlist the services of a coach while others may simply sign up for lessons. However, this can be an expensive and time consuming venture. Wouldn't it be great if there was an online bowling e course?

E courses are valuable and can supply bowling tips to even the most difficult questions. This course can be downloaded to your computer in just a couple of minutes and, when the need for bowling tips arise, the answers to your questions will appear on the screen with just a couple of keystrokes. It doesn't get any easier than that.

Helpful Tips to Raise Your Bowling Average

E courses can fully explain the proper technique for throwing a hook ball which is one of the most important elements for improving your bowling score. These tips must be carefully followed and perfected in order to insure that a proper hook is thrown.

In order to start, the stance is assumed with the fingers inserted into the ball while the other hand is placed under the ball to support it. It is important that the ball is held at either belt or chest height. The hand must remain under the ball in order to support it all the way through the swing until the ball is released at the foul line. At this point, it is time to make the hook happen. Once the ball passes the ankle, the thumb is released first which can be done by relaxing the thumb. As the thumb is released, the fingers are turned much like one would do with a handshake. This motion will make the ball spin sideways so that the ball will cut or hook into the pins. This step is referred as the lift. The critical piece here is that if the thumb is not released first, the ball will not hook.

With this kind of information that is contained in the e course, you will greatly be able to improve your bowling game. Developing the ability to throw a hook ball will improve your score more than any other aspect of the game so this is the area that should be addressed first. Because the straight ball tends to hit the pins directly while the hook ball rips through them, much more power is created thus resulting in more pin action. It is clear that improving the ball that is thrown will add pins to you score. Follow a set of good bowling tips and you will be amazed at your score improvement.

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Robert Eckert

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Innovate Your Baby: 4 Simple Things You Should Be Doing With Your Infant Today

I left a career as a corporate executive to focus on conceiving and raising my daughter. With this dramatic lifestyle change, I made a conscious decision to raise my daughter with innovation. Children today have too many toys and gadgets which they don't use or appreciate. What they really want and need is their parents' time, attention and help in fostering their natural curiosity.

I never considered documenting the daily activities I do with my daughter until I started hearing the same comments over and over again from people who met my daughter for the first time:

"She is so aware" "Wow. She really looks you in the eyes." "She is following everything I am doing."

Innovate Your Baby: 4 Simple Things You Should Be Doing With Your Infant Today

I focus on very practical simple activities with my daughter each day. There are many simple things parents can do with their infants which will provide significant benefits and require little else but time.

Look your baby in the eyes. Alot. This sounds simple, but we don't do it as much as we think. It is very easy to put your child in the swing or, in front of a video, while you try to get things done. It doesn't actually take that much time to look your baby straight in the eyes and talk to her. Talk to your baby in his language and yours. My mom actually encouraged me to talk to my daughter in "her language". I had read in developmental books that babies view it as a compliment and reinforcement of their value when you answer their sounds with the same sounds. I tried it and it has been quite fun and rewarding for both my daughter and me. She is starting the shrieking and babbling phase so I try to answer her shrieks and babbles sound for sound. She loves it, smiles, and generally answers me back. We do this several times a day and it makes us both happy and smiley. I also talk to her throughout the day in "my" language. Show her how you are doing things. Starting first thing in the morning, I talk to my daughter asking her questions and explaining what is going on. I tell her that we are going to change her diaper and then I am going to get dressed and make the bed while she plays in her crib. I show her the pillows before I put them on the bed. One of our favorite times of the day is when I am washing my face and putting on my make up. My daughter has gotten accustomed to "helping" me and sits and smiles in delight as we go through the process together. I take cleanser and tell her what it is. I bend down and show her the bottle and she smiles. She watches me wash my face. I explain the face cream I am using and show her the bottle. I squeeze a bit of the cream into my hand while she watches. I show her each type of make up and tell her what I am using it for. I tell her the color of the tube of mascara "orange". I do the same thing while preparing breakfast. It is a delightful and wonderful time for us each day. I am constantly amazed at how attentive she is and how excited she gets when I show her what is going on. Let her do what you are doing. When I am cooking or baking, I try to have my daughter with me in the kitchen. I believe this has many short term and long term benefits. Long term, I hope she is developing a love for cooking and feelings of happiness associated with being in the kitchen. Short term, we are spending time together and she is learning about food and how things work in the kitchen. This holiday, I made several holiday cookies and candies. My 5 month old daughter was in her swing or stroller with me. I showed her the sugar and flour and explained as we measured them. I gave her plastic measuring cups to hold while I was using the metal ones. To my surprise, she was very interested in the entire process and didn't get fussy for quite some time (usually almost long enough to mix and cook a batch of cookies). Another example is eating breakfast reading the newspaper. Every morning, we sit together and have breakfast. My daughter "helps" me fix breakfast and then sits in her swing while I eat and read the paper. I talk to her and explain stories or ads. She plays with some basic toys. Once I am finished, we "fix" her cereal together. She loves watching the water heat in the microwave. She squeals in delight when I open the door and she sees the bowl. She watches in fascination as I mash up a banana. When she is done eating, I put her in my lap and let her "read" the paper. She joyously grabs a section, crinkles it up, waves it, rips it and squeals in delight. I wouldn't trade these mornings for anything.

These simple things take a little extra time each day but will pay benefits as you begin to see your baby respond. The list of activities you can do with your child is limited only by your imagination and most of these activities require little or no financial investment. Most importantly, have fun! Use your imagination and share some innovative time with your baby today.

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Deborah Lynn, the founder of Innovate Your Baby!, is a former fortune 200 executive who left the corporate world to stay home and raise her daughter with innovation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Education from the University of Kansas; a Master's degree in Kinesiology from the University of Northern Iowa and conducted doctoral work at Indiana University in Physiology. After observing disturbing trends in many children and parents today and seeing these trends translate into increasing issues in the young workforce, Deborah began identifying the problems and building an innovative method for minimizing them beginning at infancy. Deborah's new techniques for helping her infant daughter learn, grow and thrive combine awareness activities, demonstrative learning and lots of time and loving attention. http://www.innovateyourbaby.com

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Basic Tips When Buying a Bowling Ball

Excited to purchase your first bowling ball? Before you do so, you need to consider several basic tips to eventually purchase a one that suits you needs. Bowling balls are made up of different types of material; some are plastic, other polyester rubber or urethane. Follow on the tips below as you have just started learning how to bowl.

For a beginner bowler, many recommend the plastic bowling ball which is usually the least costly and can last for a long time. However, bowlers with more experience prefer bowling balls made up of polyester as it reacts differently and can be handled to suit their moves and spins. After choosing what type of ball you need, you also need to consider another important evaluation factor which is the bowling ball's weight.

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As you saw the neighboring bowler continuously bowl strikes with a hook, you want to learn how to do that as well. Well pro bowlers recommend that the bowling is almost 10% of the bowler's total weight. However, the bowler usually needs a ball which is slightly less than that.

Basic Tips When Buying a Bowling Ball

A recommended way to test your ball's weight is to actually try on different weight and see if the bowling ball's weight is a weight you could handle. Start with the smaller ones and later start adding a pound until you reach to the maximum endurance point where you could go for the one with the pound less or pound more. Choosing the right bowling ball is your first step to start practicing techniques like hook bowling.

After setting your mind on the material and weight, you need to now consider the the brand. To do so, you may access many reviews online which could be highly informative for you. Popular brands are usually directly marketed for by the store owner and even if you had no clue whatsoever about the bowling sport and gear, you usually tell which one is the most popular according to its market price.

We have taken the time to write a few different brands down for you to have a quick look and get informed before accessing the nearest store. Brunswick Scorchin Inferno is one of the popular and best selling bowling balls. It is commonly known to be a high performance ball. Columbia Action Packed is another high performance ball which is usually the choice of intermediate to pro bowlers. Elite R43 is another popular choice which performs well on different types of lanes; both light and heavy oil conditions.

Although some bowlers never do purchase their own, getting one during each and every stage of your bowling path is highly recommended. One of the most convenient reasons is because you would not have to worry about picking a bowling ball every time and actually trying out if the finger holes are comfortable to handle or if the ball is too heavy. And once you make your decision and order your ball, remember to take good care of it.

Basic Tips When Buying a Bowling Ball

Want to learn how to bowl? Sick of not performing consistently on the bowling alley? Discover the best bowling techniques among professional bowlers that no amateur ever learns on their own with The Bowling Tips.

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Friction For Children - 4 Tricks to Help Children Understand Friction

If you're looking for ways to aid in teaching friction for children then keep reading. So your child comes home from school with questions about friction. How can you help your child understand this concept? Without friction life as we know it would not exist. Every surface would be more slippery than ice. You could not walk, run, write, or even feed yourself without friction. Friction for children is as easy as using common examples to guide your explanation.

Friction for children starts with the basics. Friction is a push, pull, or a force which works against the motion of objects that are in contact as they move past each other. When objects are touching their surfaces tend to stick together, like the tiny loops and hooks of Velcro. Heat and sound are also produced by friction. If you rub the palms of your hands together quickly your hands get warm and you can hear the sound that friction creates.


There are three types of friction; sliding friction, rolling friction, and fluid friction. Sliding friction is caused by two objects touching each other that slide past one another. For example, when you push a large wooden crate across a floor you push against sliding friction. The entire surface of the crate that is in contact with the floor slides against the floor, slowing down the motion of the crate. Rolling friction uses wheels. If you move the identical large wooden crate with a wagon then you exert a force against rolling friction. Only the bottom of each wheel is in contact with the floor. Rolling friction is less than sliding friction; it takes less effort to push the crate on the wagon than to push the crate that is directly resting on the floor. When an object is in contact with a fluid, a liquid or a gas this is considered fluid friction. Airplanes and race cars are streamlined to reduce fluid friction. They have smooth, curved surfaces to reduce the friction, called drag, with the air.

Friction For Children - 4 Tricks to Help Children Understand Friction

When teaching friction for children it's important to stress how friction can be advantageous. You light a match using friction. As you strike a match, friction creates enough heat to ignite a chemical compound in the match head that then burns the rest of the match head. Automobile brakes work because of friction. As the brake pads rub against the car's wheels, the car slows down. Shoes designed for some sports have special soles to use friction to your advantage. Baseball shoes and football shoes have cleats to increase friction by sticking to cracks in the ground. A violinist puts rosin on his bow to increase friction between the bow and the violin strings, therefore producing sound.

However, friction can also be disadvantageous. If a door hinge squeaks, the noise is caused by friction. The space shuttle's nose and wings heat up dramatically as it returns to Earth from orbit. The ceramic tiles on the shuttle's nose and wings are designed to dissipate this heat caused by friction. The moving parts of a car's engine rub against each other and can stick together, causing the engine to seize and to stop working. Using oil in a car's engine protects the parts from friction. Cooked foods tend to stick to pans. Teflon on non-stick cookware reduces friction between the food and the pan, causing the food to slide. Competitive swimmers wear specially designed racing suits to reduce the friction between themselves and the water so that they can swim faster. A bowler wears extremely flat-soled shoes to slide on the lane right before he releases the bowling ball. Silicone aerosols, oils, grease, graphite (the very soft form of carbon in "lead" pencils), and ball bearings are all used to reduce friction.

By using every day examples, you can teach friction for children and help them better understand this concept. The three types of friction, sliding, rolling and fluid, can either be beneficial or detrimental to the motion of objects. Friction between your pen or pencil tip and the paper you write on allows you to write on the paper. Friction between the ground or the floor and your feet allows you to run or walk along these surfaces. Friction between your food and a spoon or fork allows you to eat with these utensils.

Friction For Children - 4 Tricks to Help Children Understand Friction

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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Value of Losing

Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers who won the Super Bowl and became champions of the world for a record tying 5th time.

It must have been great to hoist the Lombardi Trophy as the hapless Seahawks looked on in defeat. What a bunch of losers falling flat on their face like a baby first learning to walk. Of course, they did finish 2nd best - ahead of the other 30 losing teams that didn't even win their conference. While some may consider the NFC champs to have had a successful season, Tom Seaver once wrote: "there are only two places an athlete can finish - first place and no place". How about Vince Lombardi who said: "Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser". Even in the world sports, where it really is about winning, or in life, this can't be the way we think. As a looking glass into real life, when 31 NFL teams, representing the best players in the world, are all looking up at the Champion Steelers, we all need to find and understand the value of losing.


Everybody Loses

The Value of Losing

While being a loser requires that you lose, the corollary that losing makes you a loser is certainly false. Vince Lombardi is known as one of the greatest and most intense coaches in history. Of course, most of us know Coach Lombardi's famous quote: "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing". While he always put that kind of emphasis on winning, most of us don't know that he also said: "If you can't accept losing, you can't win." While we all like to win much more than we like to lose, in order to play and be a part of something greater, we have to be willing to take the risk that we might lose. It has to be accepted that losing is a natural a part of participating and of winning.

Why It's Okay to Lose

While not necessarily intuitive, there are many reasons why we can feel good about losing and I want to focus on two of these: the first and most obvious reason to lose is because it will help us to win; the second reason to lose is that it helps us to win in life.

Losing creates opportunity. Every loss has more lessons about what a team or individual can do to improve than any win. Losing also provides more motivation. Winning tends to cause people to overlook errors in judgment and fundamentals that only losing can reveal. It's through the process that individuals and teams can discern areas to work on through practice to improve. Maybe even more important is that losing forces people to recognize that they want to win. The motivation provided by losing is a key to helping teams work harder in practice to improve and to play harder to win. Coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success (January, 2006) emphasizes that success isn't winning or losing, but the self satisfaction derived from doing your best to be the best of which you are capable. Both winning and losing should inspire an individual to improve and to maximize their potential. By using losses in this way, we can motivate ourselves and others.

We can also use these lessons to improve other aspects of our life because losing is as much a part of every day life as it is a natural experience of playing sports. As parents, we make such an effort to help our kids feel better and to not let them experience failures. Ultimately, by not acknowledging their shortcomings, mistakes and losses, we don't allow them to live up to their potential. Failing is natural and it creates motivation. Without failing, kids may not see the need to work harder to improve. Telling kids that they have a "good eye" when the pitch is over the backstop, or saying "nice try" after a mistake may seem encouraging. However, we should also understand that it can be fine to let them know that a mistake has been made. When an error is made we can acknowledge it and then work to learn from the mistake and ultimately to improve.

By continuing to tell kids that they're always doing great sends a message that they don't need to work as hard. Kids are smart and they realize when they're good or bad. Sometimes they need to be protected but other times we need to also be honest if we want them to succeed in life. The idea that a person just needs to do their best isn't always true - sometimes they need to do even better. I heard of story of an employee who responded to a new work assignment for a project that needed to be done by a deadline with: "I'll do my best". Well, in this case, it just needed to get done and failing to finish it, even if that was their "best effort", was simply unacceptable. Sometimes, a person's best is not enough and you need to "get it done". This is one of the lessons that you can learn by losing because it is part of life.


Bud Wilkerson, the famous Okalahoma Sooners football coach who led his team on a 47 game winning streak, noted that the only way you could meet somebody that never lost meant that you had to find somebody that never played the game. While nobody wants to lose, we can use losing to motivate and improve. We can also extrapolate the lessons of losing to the greater life lessons so that we can all become the best of which we are capable. Losing is part of everything we do and has tremendous value. Mistakes are a natural part of participating so we shouldn't be afraid of acknowledging our errors and using them to improve. Our goal, in youth sports and in life, has to be to see the value of losing and use it to become better athletes, parents and people.

The Value of Losing

Ken Kaiserman is the President of http://SportsKids.com - a leading sports Internet site for kids and their families. In addition to coaching football, basketball and baseball, Ken serves on the local Little League board of directors and a park advisory committee.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bowling - Etiquette

In this world in which we live there are a lot of rude people. That's just something we need to learn to live with. But not at the bowling alley. One thing that can be said about bowling establishments is that they have zero tolerance for bad manners. If you're going to bowl in a league or even casually, there is certain etiquette that you better adhere to or you could find yourself tossed out of the alley on your ear. In this article we'll cover some of the basic things that all bowlers should be aware of, making sure they do, or don't do the following.

The first rule of etiquette in bowling is right of way. In a bowling alley, every lane is next to an adjoining lane on each side, right and left. In league play, most likely, the alley is packed and every lane is occupied. That means that more than one person is bowling at a time. While you may not think it's very important, it can be very distracting walking up to roll your shot and suddenly somebody comes darting up their lane from your right or left. The etiquette in all situations is that you yield to the bowler on your right. So if you and somebody else gets up to bowl at the same time, if the other person is on your right, you let him go first. Conversely, if you're on somebody else's right, they are to let you roll your shot first. This is probably the most important rule of etiquette in the game of bowling.


Another important rule is that when someone on the other team, or even your team is up there ready to roll their shot, you're not to make any remarks or loud noises to distract them or throw off their shot. This is considered poor sportsmanship against the other team and against your team is just plain stupid.

Bowling - Etiquette

Another rule of etiquette is in regard to food and drink. In every bowling alley there is an area in the back of each lane for refreshments. No refreshments are allowed in the bowling area, period. If you're wondering why, the answer is very simple. Footwork is the most important thing in the game of bowling. You wear special shoes for a reason. The lanes are slippery enough as it is. If you were to spill something on them, you could either slip more or the substance could make you stick and send you flying to the floor. This is why all food and drink must be kept in the rear refreshment areas.

Another rule of etiquette for league play is that all spectators must stay in the spectator area. This is for two reasons. Reason number one is simply, with five bowlers on each team, there's just no room for spectators to sit down in the bowling area. The second reason is because spectators can be distracting. They're not really involved in the game so they don't care what they say or do. This can make concentrating very difficult.

There are other things, but these are the main ones. Follow these rules and you should be okay.

Bowling - Etiquette

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Bowling.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Farm Town - Create Your Avatar & Become a Prosperous Farmer With Many Acres of Prime Land

Farm Town is an innovative Flash-based multiplayer game that is normally played through Facebook and MySpace. It is one of the most popular games on Facebook, trailing behind only the likes of FarmVille and Mafia Wars. What is remarkable about the game is that its growth has consisted entirely of word-of-mouth. The makers of the game, Slashkey, have not done any marketing for the game whatsoever, yet by July 27th, 2009, the game had over 15 million users.
"What am I supposed to do in this game?" The basic premise of the game involves creating your very own avatar who will be your player in the game.

Next, you purchase a plot of land that you can use to grow crops, raise livestock and all of the myriad other chores that farmers do.

The game encourages cooperation amongst the farmers. For example, it will cost 50% less if you have another person plow your fields or harvest your crops for you. You will also get a 25% bonus if you have another person do the work. In this way, you can build a sort of friendship between you and the people that you add to your buddy list.

As you earn more money from your crops and livestock sales, you are able to purchase better seeds, get better equipment, and purchase more land to use. You gain levels in the process of farming and higher levels also unlock new things to use and activities to do.

Farm Town is VERY popular: many people often wonder why such a simple like Farm Town could become so insanely popular. Below are a couple of reasons why the game is so popular:

* Goals: Like many games, as you play Farm Town you will come across goals that need to be achieved to get to the next level and coins that you need to earn to purchase a coveted item. This is what keeps most people playing.

* Community: The ability to have other people help you on your farm - and vice versa - is a great way to make new friends and establish long lasting bonds.

Farm Town is one of the most popular games on Facebook, and for good reason. The game will keep you playing for hours on end because of the constant need to attain the next level and because of the close friendships you can make within the community.

You won't be surprised to learn that this game isn't as simple as it seems. But you can become a Farmtown master and learn such goodies as: extremely effective ways for lower level players to earn money and points fast (even if you're a newbie); how to get dozens of neighbors to join you in just 2 hours; how to never be concerned that your crops will 'spoil' (this is a Biggie); how to get piles of coins overnight - completely on autopilot; learn how to maximize the money earned from your seeds and how to avoid wasting your precious time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4566923