Thursday, May 17, 2012

Farm Town - Create Your Avatar & Become a Prosperous Farmer With Many Acres of Prime Land

Farm Town is an innovative Flash-based multiplayer game that is normally played through Facebook and MySpace. It is one of the most popular games on Facebook, trailing behind only the likes of FarmVille and Mafia Wars. What is remarkable about the game is that its growth has consisted entirely of word-of-mouth. The makers of the game, Slashkey, have not done any marketing for the game whatsoever, yet by July 27th, 2009, the game had over 15 million users.
"What am I supposed to do in this game?" The basic premise of the game involves creating your very own avatar who will be your player in the game.

Next, you purchase a plot of land that you can use to grow crops, raise livestock and all of the myriad other chores that farmers do.

The game encourages cooperation amongst the farmers. For example, it will cost 50% less if you have another person plow your fields or harvest your crops for you. You will also get a 25% bonus if you have another person do the work. In this way, you can build a sort of friendship between you and the people that you add to your buddy list.

As you earn more money from your crops and livestock sales, you are able to purchase better seeds, get better equipment, and purchase more land to use. You gain levels in the process of farming and higher levels also unlock new things to use and activities to do.

Farm Town is VERY popular: many people often wonder why such a simple like Farm Town could become so insanely popular. Below are a couple of reasons why the game is so popular:

* Goals: Like many games, as you play Farm Town you will come across goals that need to be achieved to get to the next level and coins that you need to earn to purchase a coveted item. This is what keeps most people playing.

* Community: The ability to have other people help you on your farm - and vice versa - is a great way to make new friends and establish long lasting bonds.

Farm Town is one of the most popular games on Facebook, and for good reason. The game will keep you playing for hours on end because of the constant need to attain the next level and because of the close friendships you can make within the community.

You won't be surprised to learn that this game isn't as simple as it seems. But you can become a Farmtown master and learn such goodies as: extremely effective ways for lower level players to earn money and points fast (even if you're a newbie); how to get dozens of neighbors to join you in just 2 hours; how to never be concerned that your crops will 'spoil' (this is a Biggie); how to get piles of coins overnight - completely on autopilot; learn how to maximize the money earned from your seeds and how to avoid wasting your precious time.

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